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Calories, Fat, & Cholesterol—Why You’re Worried About the Wrong Things (And the Research to Prove It)

Ruth Soukup

It’s only natural to worry, right?

*see end of show notes for links to all source links for supporting data for this episode.

And I suppose I can only speak for myself here, but there’s rarely a day that goes by that I’m not worried about SOMETHING, whether it’s my kids or something in my business or the dog not eating her dinner.

And a big thing I see my clients worrying about, especially when they’re new to my program, is the fact that for the first time in their lives, they’re being encouraged to eat MORE. And not only that, I’m telling them to eat foods that for most of their life, they’ve been told to stay away from—eggs, meat, cheese, butter.

So they start worrying that this new way of eating can’t possibly be HEALTHY.

They start worrying about things like calories, and fat, and cholesterol—convinced they’ll never lose weight & get healthy if they don’t.

And I understand why it happens. Because we’ve all been indoctrinated by decades of bad advice, and unfortunately it’s left us all a little bit scarred and scared of the wrong things.

And that’s why today, I wanted to take a deep dive into real research—to really dig into exactly why those fears are off-base, what’s actually holding you back when it comes to health, and how to break free with facts, not myths.

So buckle up, because this is a deep one. But I promise it won’t be boring.

See here for all source links for supporting data for this episode.


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