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The Truth about Emotional Eating with Ali Shapiro

Ruth Soukup

Ever had the urge to eat your feelings?

Of course you have. We all have. Emotional eating, especially for women, is a big deal.

It’s also one of the biggest reasons women fail to be successful at losing weight and getting health, or at least one of the biggest reasons they claim.

But what if there’s more to emotional eating than meets the eye?

The answer is probably going to surprise you.

You can sign up here for Ali's free event on January 8th—Stop the Quick-Fix Cycle: Why Band-Aid Solutions Make Emotional Eating Worse (And How to Actually Get Results) (https://alishapiro.com/truce-with-food-breakthrough-session/)
Find Ali online at alishapiro.com
On her podcast: Insatiable
Or on Instagram @alimshapiro

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