Feel Better. Live Free. | Healthy Weight Loss & Wellness for Midlife Women

​​Is it really possible to be TOO healthy? The dangers of orthorexia & how to recognize it.

How do you actually know when you've gone TOO FAR in your quest to get healthy? Is there really such a thing as being TOO healthy?

And this is actually not an easy question to answer, because one thing I had to deal with, and something I know a lot of my clients have had to deal with also, is the disapproval of other people when you actually starting seeing some success with your health and weight loss goals.

I had lots of people tell me, "you're too obsessive," "can't you take a break," "you've lost too much weight," "this can't be healthy" and so on and so on. And I know many women in my program have heard those same kind of remarks, when in fact they're finally just taking control of their life and their health in a really positive way.

So where is the line between a determined health journey and an unhealthy obsession?

That's exactly what we're going to talk about today.

Want to learn more about how our program can help you lose weight and get healthy FOR LIFE without dieting or drugs, then I'd love to invite you to join me for my next FREE workshop!

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