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How a Sugar Detox Can Transform Your Health

Ruth Soukup

Have you ever actually thought about how much sugar you're actually eating in a day? 

Like really thought about it?

Because I think most of us, at least on some level, probably realize that sugar is not great.

But it's also pretty easy to not really think about how much sugar you're actually consuming on a daily basis.

Or what all that sugar is actually doing to your body.

Or the fact that if you're like most people, you're actually addicted to sugar and you don't even realize it....even if you think you don't have a sugar problem.

And that's why in today's episode I wanted to take a deep dive into all things sugar, including some of the not-so-obvious signs that you might be eating too much, but also what it actually means to DETOX your body from sugar, and what kind of an impact that can have on your health.

It's definitely a meaty episode with LOTS of practical takeaways, but my hope is that it will inspire you to take action.

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